Monday, June 20, 2011


Collegelife is the life  that brings the carrier of the students.In the college life, students and teacher must be in disciplane.In college or in school there must be disciplane.collegelife  is very kindful,there the students have to learn and they want to make their life better.In the college time the student go to learn and to get  ideas,knowledge.all the students goes to learn in school,college.schoollife and collegelife is very different to learn.learnine and getting ideas is the best policy for students.
Reading is good for the soul.In the college student go to learn.In the large numbers around the world,students choose college,universities.In the college there are so many course books that the students can read.placing students of similar academic ability together sounds good in theory.It is true that students need more knowledge of a subject.they need to know how to works in groups to achieve a mutual goal,how to work as a team.where better  to learn those skills than on the sports field?
People attend college  for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons to prepare for a carrier,to have new experiences and to increase there knowledge of themse lves and of the world around them.

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